SIGMA SHIPPING REGISTRAR provided to our customer Ship registration and Legal services under several flags including Panama, Tanzania, Moldova, Sierra Leona, Georgia, Togo, Honduras, Bolivia, Belize and others.

SIGMA enables yacht and ship owners, managers and charterers to take advantage of the various favorable fiscal regimes offered by reputable ship registries. In addition we can offers universal support to the shipping industry in the following areas:

1. Provisional Vessel Registration
2. Permanent Registration
3. Bare boat Dual Registration
4. Preliminary and Permanent Mortgage Registration.
5. Preliminary and Permanent Property Registration.
6. 90 days Special Registration (For Voyages or Last Trip for Scrap).
7. Deletion Certificate.
8. Manning Certificate.
9. Registration of Fishing Vessel.
10. Change of Ownership and vessel Names.
11. Extension of Navigation patent and radio.
12. Continuous Synopsys Record
13. Certificate of Competence for Seafarers endorsement.
14. Annual taxes and renewal of Navigation documents.
15. Pollution Insurance for Bunkers States, Blue Card, CLC.